How Changes in Barometric Pressure Affect Fishing

You have probably heard at least one story from a fellow angler who went out fishing just before a storm blew through and had a monumental day. Does this mean that changes in barometric pressure affect fishing? From my perspective, absolutely. So, let’s dig deeper to understand exactly what it is about fishing just before […]
6 Accessories Every Woman Boater Should Have

A lady never needs an excuse to accessorize — either on or off the water. In fact, when fishing or boating, a few extra bells and whistles can make life a lot easier. Here are six accessories we think every female boater should keep handy: 1. Boat cover. Boat covers help keep vessels looking great […]
Which Fishing Rod Is On Your Wish List?

I had the good fortune of catching up with the President of St. Croix Rods, Mr. Paul Schluter, during ICAST in Orlando. There certainly was quite a bit of buzz surrounding the Avid Pearl line of spinning rods, so it was my duty as a fisherwoman to investigate. Would it be just another “girlie” rod […]
Love Fishing but Hate the Smell?

If you’re like me, you’ve tried a variety of things including lemon, hand sanitizer, Head & Shoulders dandruff shampoo and toothpaste in an effort to remove the fish odor from your hands after a day on the water. However, none of the above ever seemed to do anything but a mediocre job of getting rid […]
ICAST 2012 Best of Show Pick: The Lure Hangar

Every fiber of my anal-retentive being became absolutely ecstatic when I happened across the Lure Hangar from Magnetic Marine during ICAST 2012 in Orlando last week. As my fishing friends might attest to, I have issues with people or things that lack organization — heaven forbid that my socks be placed in the wrong laundry […]
How About Fishing Line Clippers with Color?

I was gifted a set of pink Stainless Steel Lady Berkley Fishing Line Clippers while attending the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Workshop in Ocala. Three cheers for swag! I like that these clippers come with a lanyard, which makes them easy to toss around your neck and have handy when you need to quickly re-rig your […]
Product Review: LifeProof Waterproof iPhone Case

I’ve tried other water resistant and waterproof iPhone cases and still ended up doing the rice bowl dip after my fishing adventures due to splashes. Yeah, well I’d much rather save the rice to eat along with my ahi tuna. Which is why I am so grateful that I came across the LifeProof iPhone Case. […]
Most Reliable Bass Fishing Baits You Can Use

Since the weather is starting to warm up in the Midwest and our Northern friends are spending more time out on the water, we figured this would be a good time to list three of the bass baits we’ve recently become hooked on down here in the South. When selecting baits for an upcoming fishing […]