How to Report Florida Trophy Bass Catches for Rewards

My grandfather encouraged my love of freshwater fishing when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. That said, I suppose it makes perfect sense that my passion for the sport led me to learn more about an incentive-based Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission program that launched in October of 2012 known as the TrophyCatch program. […]
What to Know About Fishing Points for Bass

Fishing points for bass can be one of the most productive freshwater fishing strategies regardless of the time of year or the body of water. Points are important structures that bass will almost always relate to because they provide key opportunities for feeding and serve as a highway between shorelines and open water. Although, in […]
How The Weather Can Impact Your Fishing Forecast

Never underestimate the degree to which the weather and the fishing forecast are related. Once you learn more about how to adjust your fishing plans based on the weather, you’ll start tuning into your local news station (and checking your smartphone weather apps) a lot more often. Knowing what’s coming your way in the form […]
Fundamental Bass Fishing Tips for Beginners

Unless you have a friend or family member who can give you some helpful advice, you might feel a bit confused about buying and selecting tackle for your first bass fishing adventure. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it seems. While experienced anglers will debate on tackle topics for hours, you’ll still have plenty […]
5 Tips for Bass Fishing Following a Cold Front

Some of the toughest Florida bass fishing trips I’ve experienced have been on the days immediately following a cold front when the barometric pressure is high and skies are clear. When faced with these conditions, it doesn’t mean you need to be discouraged and can’t catch fish. Post-Front Techniques for Success While it’s true that […]
5 Practical Freshwater Fishing Gifts Under $100

Whenever a holiday draws near, I get questions about the best fishing gifts to buy for freshwater anglers. While it may seem as if there is an overwhelming array of baits and fishing tools to choose from, there are a handful of essentials that anglers can always use. Check out this list of freshwater fishing […]
The Stick Bait That Turns on the Bite

I’ve been testing out quite a few new stick baits in my Southwest Florida backyard pond. On sunny, warm afternoons I’ve had considerable luck using watermelon colored baits rigged Texas style or fished wacky style in areas with limited structure or vegetation. So, of course, I was excited when I met the Stinky Fingers Bait […]
6 Reasons to Use the Turtle 8 Pocket Tool

When fishing from land or from a small boat with limited space to store gear, you have to think carefully about what to bring so that you don’t have a pile of tools and tackle to tote around. My friend Jamie gifted me a Turtle 8 Pocket-Tool from Quarrow (the company also makes Clip-On Cap […]
The One Sunscreen Mistake Not to Make

Winter, summer, spring or fall — no matter what season, the sun’s rays are still powerful enough to cause some serious damage if you spend any length of time outdoors. Most of us don’t have too much of a problem remembering to apply sunscreen to our faces and bodies, but we shouldn’t be forgetting our […]
6 Interesting Facts About Largemouth Bass

You should always strive to learn more about the behavior and anatomy of the fish species you plan to target. The more information you have about your quarry, the better an angler you’ll become. It’s just a matter of getting out on the water and applying your critical thinking skills. Largemouth Bass Facts Largemouth bass […]