How to Determine the Best Fishing Times

As you spend more time on the water, you’ll notice the influence that weather patterns, solunar periods, and tides have on fish behavior. These three factors are important when considering the best fishing times. If you do just a bit of homework regarding when and where to fish based on conditions, you’ll bump up your […]
How to Tie a Uni Knot

If you’re new to fishing and want to learn one basic fishing knot to start with, my recommendation is to learn how to tie the uni knot. The uni knot is a good multi-purpose fishing knot that can be used for attaching the fishing line to the arbor or spool of a reel, for joining […]
Bass Fishing in Florida’s Heartland

During uncertain times, what could be better than taking a one-tank trip from Fort Myers to unwind in small-town Sebring, Florida? I couldn’t think of a better way to social distance than bass fishing on one of the top largemouth lakes in the Southeast, exploring one of our oldest state parks, learning more about the […]
How the Snakehead Earned a Spot on Freshwater Bucket Lists

With a serpent-like body and voracious predatory instincts, the snakehead has become a source of curiosity and debate in the freshwater angling community. While the snakehead’s native range is limited to Africa, Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia; two species of snakehead now have reproducing populations in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and Florida as a result of illegal […]
5 Tips on Fishing Jerkbaits for Bass

If you talk to most any avid bass angler, they’ll tell you that fishing jerkbaits following a cold front can be a formula for big bass success in clear water conditions. Jerkbaits are a productive option in clear water when temperatures drop because they allow you to cover a considerable amount of water quickly, while […]
10 Reasons to Visit the Florida Bass Conservation Center

Do you know how fish populations are enhanced in some of your favorite Florida freshwater fishing spots? Wondering which types of conservation projects your state fishing license dollars contribute to? The Florida Bass Conservation Center, located in Sumter County, is part of the answer to both of these questions. In addition to largemouth bass, striped […]
Product Review: Columbia Women’s Drainmaker IV

In preparation for a fairly recent Bahamas offshore fishing adventure, I was gifted a pair of Columbia Drainmaker IV fishing shoes that typically cost around $85. I was pretty jazzed to try them out because I realized that my inshore kicks of choice weren’t going to cut it out on the bluewater. Which brings up […]
Fly Fishing For Largemouth Bass: How To Start

If you haven’t tried fly fishing for largemouth bass, you’re missing out on an experience that just might convert you into a big fan of venturing out on freshwater ponds, small lakes, and canals. Contrary to popular belief, fly fishing isn’t only reserved for wader-clad trout aficionados who regularly navigate through the clear mountain streams […]
Fly Fishing For Florida’s Freshwater Exotics

In the Florida fishing community, freshwater exotics are often viewed as the scrappy kids from the other side of the tracks. They tend to be overlooked when considered alongside of our many saltwater species. Or, snubbed by those who would much rather pursue our state’s official freshwater game fish, the Florida-strain largemouth bass. However, […]
Shoreline Bass Fishing Tips For Webb Lake

Florida shoreline bass fishing fans shouldn’t overlook the 395-acre man-made lake that is located on the Babcock/Webb Wildlife Management Area in Charlotte County. While a Daily Use Permit ($6 per vehicle) or Management Area Stamp is required to gain access, there is a fee station at the front entrance that is open to the public […]